Laser Eye Surgery Boise

Rediscover a World of Clarity

From sports to leisure, vision can be the foundation of the experience. While glasses and contacts can provide improvements, they are imperfect solutions. Laser eye surgery, including SMILE and LASIK, is a chance for patients to rediscover or explore for the first time the joy of clear, defined vision without any need for lenses. Dr. Michael Merkley proudly provides certified laser eye surgery for patients in Boise and across Idaho.

What Is Laser Eye Surgery?

Dr. Merkley is the leading expert on refractive laser eye surgery in Idaho. By offering multiple options, he can get more patients out of glasses and provide lifelong vision improvements. His two main focuses for laser eye surgery are LASIK and SMILE.

LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis)

LASIK involves using a medical laser to create precise changes in the shape of the cornea (the exterior part of the eye). These minute changes alter how light enters the eye. With most vision problems, the issue arises from the light not being focused on the right part of the retina. By adjusting the eye’s shape, the path of light is altered. LASIK fixes this, restoring proper focus to the light passing through the eye’s lens, creating a crisp, defined image that you see.

SMILE (small-incision lenticule extraction)

This newer option for refractive surgery is similar to LASIK, and Dr. Merkley is the sole provider of it in the area. It also uses a medical laser to reshape the cornea, but the technique makes it more suitable for patients with a thinner cornea. Whereas LASIK uses both an excimer laser and a femtosecond laser, SMILE uses only the latter. This leaves the outer layers of the cornea mostly unchanged.

Is LASIK or SMILE Right for Me?

Laser eye surgery is open to a wide range of patients who have some degree of refractive vision error. Patients with a moderate degree of blurred vision tend to have the best results. Additionally, some signs LASIK may be right for you include:
  • Having no eye injuries or eyelid disorders
  • Having healthy corneas (outer part of the eye)
  • Not having glaucoma or cataracts
  • Being in overall good health (namely, no conditions that make you prone to infection)
  • Wanting to experience clear vision without glasses or contacts
However, SMILE may be better for patients who can thin corneas, as this is not an issue with this procedure. Additionally, since no flap is created, there is a lesser chance of dry eye issues. If you are the 1 in 5 people who do not qualify for LASIK, you can still likely be a SMILE candidate. The only significant limitation of SMILE is that it cannot improve vision of things up close.

Benefits of LASIK & SMILE

  • Lasting improvements to your vision
  • Rapid recovery from surgery
  • High safety profile
  • Avoid the inconvenience of glasses and contacts
  • Uses modern techniques
  • Enjoy a wider range of recreational activities

If I'm not a candidate for laser surgery, what can I do?

Not all patients with vision concerns will be able to qualify for laser eye surgery. Usually, this is due to a health concern or the cause of their vision issues. Other LASIK surgeons might simply turn a patient away, but Dr. Merkley is committed to getting you out of glasses. These procedure options include:

  • Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE)
  • Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL)

Implantable Collamer Lens

This surgery involves placing an artificial lens into the eye, which corrects vision defects in much the same way as a wearable contact lens. Each lens is designed to last well beyond a lifetime. An additional advantage is that the lens can be removed if you do not like the results, unlike laser surgery, which is permanent. Patients recover quickly from the surgery and can expect vision improvements within a day.

Refractive Lens Exchange

Just like cataract surgery, this procedure replaces your eye’s lens with an artificial substitute. Even if you do not have cataracts, you can qualify for this corrective procedure, which can improve vision across all distances. Rather than adjusting the cornea, refractive lens exchange works like your natural lens but with improved refraction of light onto the retina. This in turn improves how clear your eyesight is.


Nearsightedness is the most common visual problem across all age groups, from children to older people. More than 40% of people in the US have some degree of this vision concern, in which distant objects appear blurry. Correcting nearsightedness is essential for daily activities like driving but also for leisure activities like sports, hiking, or even going to the cinema. Laser eye surgery can absolutely correct nearsightedness, which is the most common reason patients have the procedure to begin with. Additionally, patients with blurry distance vision tend to have the best outcomes among LASIK and SMILE patients.
Farsightedness occurs when light focuses before it hits the retina. This makes distant objects seem clear enough, but close ones (such as books, computers, or even other people) might be blurry. LASIK can also correct farsightedness in many cases. SMILE typically cannot improve these concerns.
Both LASIK and SMILE can also help address astigmatism, a condition that can cause blurry vision regardless of distance. A skilled laser eye surgeon will be able to change the eye’s curvature to correct astigmatism up to a certain degree (5.00 diopters), which would be within the range for most patients with astigmatism.

Recovery from LASIK is typically mild and does not interfere much with day-to-day life. However, there are a few steps to it, and some mild side effects at each stage are normal. Each person’s experience will vary slightly, though. Your eye health, the intensity of the procedure, and your natural healing speed all impact what your recovery will be like. However, below is a typical overview of different aspects of LASIK recovery.

  • 1 to 4 Days: Mild burning or itching. Avoid rubbing your eye. Usually, you can go back to work sometime during this period. Some patients go back the next day, while others may need a few days. Mild blurry eyesight or watery eyes are also normal.
  • 1 to 3 Weeks: You may notice an increased sensitivity to light, including seeing starbursts or halos around sources of light, particularly at night. Your eyes may look a little bloodshot as well due to small vessels breaking (also normal).
  • 1 to 6 Months: Some patients may have some residual side effects, such as dry eyes, during this period. This part is the most variable, with some people being fully back to usual within 1 month, while others may have some minor side effects that linger for 3 to 6 months. However, following your home care sheet will help facilitate a smoother, quicker recovery.
Woman being fitted in glasses prepares for cataract surgery as offered by Dr. Michael Merkley in Boise, Idaho

Book a Consultation Visit Today

Your vision is a special part of you, and we ensure we take every step and precaution to promote a safe laser eye surgery experience. We want you to be in great hands for this next chapter in your life. Start by booking a vision consultation with Dr. Merkley. You can learn about his expertise, past procedures, and techniques in a comfortable environment. Learn more about laser eye surgery with him and find out if LASIK or SMILE is your solution to a lucid future.